Wednesday, January 25, 1984


Tonight, the grievances we’ve harboured since last term finally spilled out into the open in a rancorous and bitter way.

John Turney and Del called round, ostensibly to watch the football on TV, and we endured two hours or more of Turney wind-ups and what felt like malicious (and successful) attempts to create ill-feeling. He never shut up about Lindsey, saying Carl Cotton had been to bed with her and then citing her as the reason for my attendance at RCP events last year. With this latter point he hit too near to home and I froze into embarrassed silence. The rest of the time he and Del were generally taking the piss. Things went on and on and after John had left, both Barry and Pete erupted.

What followed was three hours of raised voices and tortuous arguments over the rights and wrongs of the situation. We feel that John has taken advantage of our friendship and exploited us for all he can get. Del said we were partly to blame for not kicking him out and said that complaining now was like shutting the stable door after the horse had bolted.

I feel as though I’ll be happy never to see John Turney again.

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