Friday, February 24, 1984

Some people want stars in eyes

Today I helped out Lee at the Art College. Fear of expulsion has motivated him the last few days, and he and I went back to the vicarage of Church of the Sacred Heart on Albany Mount, took a bit of cine film and pulled up several floorboards for use in his photogramme-room.

The top floor of the vicarage would be an ideal site for a squat. One of the rooms in particular is the Perfect Room, with low sloping ceilings, recessed windows and an alcove containing a fireplace and shelves, ideal for cooking, plus a small room off to one side that’s just big enough for a bed.

We came out through the front door and had a difficult time getting the floorboards over the wall without being seen. It was risky too as the route back to the Art College leads directly past the police station. Lee needs the planks and door as evidence that he is doing something with his time, and when pressed says he can’t think of many concrete things he’s achieved since he started his course: the video, the flame photographs, a few photogramme experiments early on in the first term and not much else.

Ian, Gav and George (or Crowley, Rev, and The Spectre as we prefer) have done nothing either apart from their musical experimentations and performances (such as “Performance for Two Pianos and Two Tape Recorders”).

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