Wednesday, February 17, 1982


I was in a vocal mood and got into a big debate with Gledhill during registration about the need to go to General Studies. Otherwise, the usual school mediocrity, a bit better than yesterday: Deborah isolated, only speaking after school, before the film (Electric Horseman – moderate). But I actually worked today, doing some Coriolanus notes. . . .

Then after school, I sprained my ankle chasing fat Atkinson, who I cornered in Flatters’s office. I was in agony and hobbled home. By eight, after limping upstairs, it'd become unbearable, a wrenching, throbbing pain, and it’s badly swollen now, and may even be broken? I can’t bear to put my foot on the floor.

I spent the evening reading my Kerouac biography, really getting into it.

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