Thursday, February 11, 1982


I was in school for eleven and pretended to work until  one-fifteen when me, Lee and Peter went to the latter’s house and Peter drove us to Woodhead Park where he had to get some weather readings for his Geography project.

While he sat in a hut near the greenhouses leafing through the old leathery volumes, me and Lee went into Hainsworth Hall to look round. We saw Harrington Stanley’s crap old master rip-offs and upstairs I bought four catalogues from past Northern Print Biennales (1970, ’72, ’74 and ’76) and found out that Ravi Shankar is playing Whincliffe in March. I left happy.

We messed about on the way back, me chasing the car while Peter drove away whenever I got within a few yards, Lee laughing in the back. . . After school, I came near to seeking out Deborah and apologising.

Did nowt in the evening but watch TV.

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