Saturday, October 15, 1983


Lindsey, Guy, Barry, Stu and Mo and I met up at the Anchor last night and ended up in the dark pretentiousness of the Sanctuary beneath the Helios Hotel. Stu and I got absolutely drenched as we had opted to walk the few hundred yards from the pub while the others caught a cab. Mo rode home on the bus and we struggled on although the heavens had opened & the roads were awash.

Afterwards, we had a cup of tea at Guy’s place on Sutton Road and met one of his flat-mates, Felicity. She and Barry got embroiled in a political discussion; she supports Labour and CND, and she sounded no less committed than Barry, if the less realistic. Guy interspersed the debate with inane drunken comments, and Stu and I took up a position loosely aligned with Barry.

Everything fragmented and took a pleasingly ridiculous turn and the room was soon filled with laughter. We went to bed at four and slept on the carpet in the large living room.

I woke up cold and uncomfortable late in the morning. We lay like slugs in our blankets and sleeping bags watching the TV, until the appearance of Felicity’s Mum and Dad roused us to action. We left, accompanied by Guy, and got something to eat at a fast food place near the sea front. The sea was brown and ferocious, great lines of breakers roaring in one after the other against the beach. The wind was so fierce that we had difficulty standing at times, and I can’t ever remember being in winds as strong.

After getting home we descended en masse on Holmes Avenue laundrette and I slipped into one of my black paranoiac moods, getting irritated by everyone. We got back after dark: John and Del sat watching TV. They’ve been looking for a place to live, but still haven’t found anywhere, and both Barry and I are getting a bit pissed off by their continued presence here. They seem to take this place for granted simply because Barry lives here, forgetting that Pete and I do too. Neither of them ever contribute towards food or washing up, and leave their dirty pots and pans about until someone else (usually Mo) clears them away. Trevor’s constant talk of sex and how good he is with girls is a drag too, even though I suspect most of it is self-parody.

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