Wednesday, October 5, 1983


Guy, Gareth, Stu, Barry and I went to the Masquerades nightclub in Cudmark Way. It only cost 75p to get in and until eleven the drinks were half-price. We went over the top and I spent in the region of £7 or £8 and ended the night buying a total of fourteen whiskies, four Southern Comforts and three pints of bitter.

I wasn’t as ill or as drunk as these figures would suggest, my greatest social faux pas being to fall asleep as everyone chatted. There were only a few people there, so it was a sedate evening by usual ‘club standards,’ being more like a glorified pub. Lindsey and her new friend Liddy rolled up shortly after us, and Graeme made a brief (and boring) appearance.

Barry, Stu and I were quite pissed driving back in the car; we’re bound to get done sooner or later.

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