Thursday, April 26, 1984

Blurred and obscured

Alex left his workbook out in the kitchen—MISSION OF DEAD SOULS stenciled on the cover—which is full of scribbles in coloured chalk and crayon and ink sketches of skulls. Words randomly litter the pages—snatches of Fall lyrics, McGonagelesque parodies, ‘kill,’ ‘torture,’ ‘maim,’ and ‘death’ predominating. Lee altered the cover title to read MISSION OF DEAD IDEAS.

Gav keeps his work to himself. He types a lot—he has an alliterative fixation with words beginning with the letter ‘e’—and has been painting in water colours. Lee is still working on his pinhole ciné film and surface texture investigations.

He says that many of the Combined Arts students have arrived at similar ideas simultaneously and independently, their work embracing common themes; he rues the lack of a critical attitude at the Art College which he says differs from his experience at Easterby College. Anything goes here, with the result that any real standards of merit or worth are blurred and obscured.

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