Thursday, August 2, 1984


Jeremy arrived in Watermouth at ten o’clock last night.

Lee was there to meet him but I went instead to the Green Man on Philip Street where I met Barry, Raven, Guy, and Kamran. I’d only intended having a couple of drinks at most, but ended up drunk and at the L.A. I didn’t get back to Maynard Gardens until well gone midnight.

Lee and Jeremy weren’t up, and I slept in my old bathroom-cum-bedroom.

We all went down to the pier this afternoon to show Jeremy the grotesqueries of Watermouth’s summer side; e.g. the stripper game—if you shoot the target enough times with a toy rifle the dummy’s clothes hinge open to reveal a spectacularly hairless body. Everything was very badly made and full of sexual innuendo, which he found amusing. We had a drink at the bar at the end of the pier.

The sea was quite rough and heaved its green bulk against the shore in a deluge of foam.

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