Sunday, August 5, 1984

Party piece

I met Lee and Jeremy at Maynard Gardens in the evening.

Lee’s mate Michael Pugh from Easterby is in Watermouth for a while. He just turned up unexpectedly this afternoon and so I took my sleeping bag round for him. Stu came along too and we went to the pier.

Michael doesn’t say much, and just seems to hover on the periphery of whatever’s happening, smoking or smiling with a sunken-cheeked look. The story is that the boredom & frustration of his Graphics course in Madaston has reduced him to eating dog ends and downing pints of piss for money as a ‘party piece.’

He and Lee got friendly during the Foundation course in Easterby (’82-’83), reading about Dada and doing ‘Art Volé’ stunts together (i.e. break ins at derelict factories). Michael had long hair then; now it’s short and greasy & hangs lank across his forehead. Perhaps he’ll come to Borley with us?

Lee, Jeremy and I are planning on going back next Tuesday. We’re taking £300-worth of sensitive recording equipment with us that we’ve borrowed from the Art College.

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