Thursday, August 5, 1982


I got a letter from Claire this morning, which really came as a surprise: it tugged at me inside. She's started her teaching course in Whincliffe and looks set for the next three years; there was a hint of loneliness in her words, as though she wants to talk with someone she knows. I immediately sat down and penned her a reply, over-worrying as I did so about how I sounded. I still can’t get over it.

Mum told me that Nanna P. had “a vision” when she stayed here last week. She was sitting at the dining room table when she noticed someone she thought was Dad outside, but he was at work. Then (as she told the story to Mum), a “blob” appeared and gradually morphed into Andrew’s face looking in through the window. I immediately thought about psychic connections with the dead, etc., and as Andrew is in Denmark. . . ?

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