Wednesday, July 29, 1981


The day was dominated by the Royal Wedding. No matter how much I disagree with it, I couldn’t help switching on and watching occasional snatches.

At one or so Jeremy showed up but the tennis courts were closed so we sat about for a long time and then went out to get a ‘paper. We went round to his house; quite a few street parties going off, with lots of shop decorations. It was swelteringly hot once more. We called at Tommy’s flat and the three of us messed about at Jeremy’s all evening, wandering down to a deserted railway to hit burning tennis balls about and play with petrol.

At midnight feeling decadent, drinking wine and listening to records, before setting off with torch and dog to walk the quarter mile tunnel, plunging through dark woods, crunching along the tunnel and back and getting soaked. It made a change anyway. Rode Jeremy's bike back and got home at three-thirty.

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