Wednesday, May 20, 1981

Easterby Discos

I woke up an hour earlier than I do for school days and got in to find Jeremy, Richard and Maxine already there. It was chucking it down. The mag' is due at the typesetter’s tomorrow and we were soon beavering away; Duncan typed while Laura, Jeremy, Tommy, Richard, Maxine, Lee, Mandy and Rachel and I edited and rewrote. At one point we had three typewriters going. I revised a Duke of Edinburgh article, and, along with my editing efforts on “Punk – Into the Future?” and “Easterby Discos,” plus an editorial and a thing on the sixth form, makes about five contributions. Finally, at about two, we began getting it all in some form of order.

Lee came back to my house with me for an hour or so. Thunderstorms and torrential rain all evening.

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