Tuesday, November 3, 1981


English first lesson was cancelled because Hirst was away. History was boring (we copied down dictated notes), and the third lesson I spent idly in the common room with Deborah and Tommy. The claustrophobia started to get to me and I ended up feeling typically frustrated and bitter, so I went for a walk up around Gilthwaite and through the horrific council suburbs there, pretending I was going mad.

Giles’s lesson was private study, so I helped Deborah with her essay for Hirst and then talked to Claire, which was the most enjoyable feature of the whole day. Duncan continues with his jibes but I don’t care. I prefer her company above anyone’s.

After school, Lee and I played chess and then we walked down to Art which was a trial because I hadn’t done my preparation over the holiday; things were lightened only by the discovery of some contact prints of Mrs. Blakeborough naked on a bed. I walked home in blustery blackness, hating myself. I never work anymore!

I just don't know!

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