Saturday, October 11, 1980

Saturday October 11th

I intended going into Easterby today but since it was raining heavily when I got up I decided not to bother.

I hung around doing nothing in particular until about two when I went with Dad in the car to Moxthorpe Library. I wore my new jacket for the first time. We went to Farnshaw first, where we wandered for a while around the market, looking at the usual “antique” stalls.

At the Library we got three books; Dad got two – one about Charles I's execution, the other called “Guide to the Battlefields of Britain & Ireland” which is really quite good. I got a book to help me with my “Russia on the eve of WWI” essay – it is called “August 1914.”

After the library, I regretted not getting Dad to drop me off at the barber’s, because I wanted my hair cutting. As it was however, he ran me back on.

I had the usual done – “trimming and thinning out, please” – and its quite short now. After having my hair washed I spent the evening watching television or doing my football leagues.

Well, I’ve finished four months of my diary now. That’s 125 days in all, or 18 weeks. I felt much better, not so depressed today, which proves really how superficial last week was.

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