Thursday, October 23, 1980

Thursday October 23rd

The weather today was the worst it’s been for weeks. The rain was really heavy and the winds so strong that it was hard to walk against it, and the entire school car park flooded to a depth of about half-a-foot.

We did nothing in the library except talk and doss around generally, Beaumont and I saying that to do journalism we’d have to do shorthand and typing. I was hoping that the rain would continue, giving me an excuse for sciving off Art.

It didn’t, and after mundane English (at least “Persuasion” was a bit funny) we all trudged off to Farnshaw College. I finished my chimney painting a bit unsatisfactorily by blocking out the lower half as roof – one uniform brown. At least it was the brightest (colour wise) picture there and from a distance looked OK. It wasn’t the worst anyway!

My evening just disappeared. I should really have done my Biology essay for tomorrow but somehow I just keep putting it off. Instead I watched most of “The Taming of the Shrew” on Beeb 1.

Mum seems to reckon that journalism’d be a good idea for me to aim for and she meanwhile showed me some of the shorthand she remembers. As far as I can see, that and typing could be the only obstacles.

Tomorrow I’m going to Robert and Carol’s flat at Swinton for the weekend.

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