Friday, January 23, 1981

Friday January 23rd

On the way to school, couldn’t get Santana’s “Transcendence” out of my head; I don’t know why. After English with Mr Giles (poetry: TS Eliot and something called “Stage Directions about the death of a King”) we all trogged up to the common room, for coffee and talk.

Ingham was away, so we had four free periods, from 9.55 onwards, and most of the time we just sat about bored. It was sunny today and really mild; everyone commented on the heat, and it was again pleasant socially. Michael was sat talking to Claire for a long time over with us; subconscious – did I play up to him, trying to impress her indirectly through him.

During the course of the morning we all became involved in heated discussions about immigration; Lee, Duncan, Steve, Addie Williams, Jeremy and others; Claire is conservative in politics; her main opposition to Asians stemming from the fact that one grabbed her backside in Easterby once. The discussions became quite violent, and lasted over dinnertime, Claire telling me about various incidents involving immigrants. It was all quite fun.

The same old Friday-blues descended as we all became completely bored, ending up throwing tennis balls about at each other. After dinner, at about 12.15, Claire asked me if I really believed in uncontrolled immigration; when I replied in the affirmative, the response was one of amazement and disgust almost; “Oh my God” etc . . .,. I do not feel convinced of it myself; on one hand I feel that it is what I should believe in, yet at other times I’m not 100% sure. I’ll probably be whipped on Monday.

I also generously (foolishly!?) offered to play rugby for the school tomorrow at Burston. Andy asked me if I would, and then told me I’d be playing in the centre, the man to whom the ball would be passed and miracles thus expected to be worked. The last time I offered was in October 1979, away against Knowlesbeck. It was a farce, and I was second row prop. I didn’t touch the ball and felt ill (I was sick) I was so exhausted. Thankfully, I was substituted at half-time. Egley lost 54-0!!!!! But now!? You never know, I may even score!!!!!

My evening went reflectively (as usual) and it seems that today our friendship has been endorsed (I seemed easier talking to her – more open).

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